Olive Egger
The Olive Egger is a hybrid chicken known for its ability to lay eggs in shades of olive green. Typically, Olive Eggers are the result of crossing a chicken that lays blue eggs (like an Ameraucana or Araucana) with a breed that lays brown eggs (such as a Marans or Welsummer).
Key Features:
Appearance: Olive Eggers can vary widely in appearance, as they are not a standardized breed but rather a hybrid. They may have a range of feather colors and patterns depending on the parentage, but common colors include black, brown, or even lighter shades like cream or blue. They often have a sturdy, medium-sized body with a friendly demeanor.
Size: Olive Eggers are generally medium-sized chickens, with hens typically weighing around 5-6 lbs and roosters around 6-7 lbs, though size can vary based on the parent breeds.
Egg Production: The main appeal of the Olive Egger is its olive-colored eggs, which are a result of breeding blue-egg layers with brown-egg layers. Olive Eggers typically lay around 200-300 eggs per year, with medium to large eggs that range from olive green to dark brown, depending on the specific genetics of the bird.
Temperament: Olive Eggers are typically friendly, curious, and social. They tend to be calm and can be easily handled, making them a great choice for backyard flocks. Their calm and easy-going nature also means they usually get along well with other chickens.
Hardiness: Olive Eggers are generally hardy and adapt well to a variety of climates. Their resilience depends on their parent breeds, but they typically do well in both hot and cold weather, provided they have shelter from extreme conditions.
The Olive Egger is a hybrid chicken known for laying olive-green eggs. With a friendly temperament, medium size, and hardy nature, they are great for backyard flocks. While their appearance can vary, they are highly valued for the unique color of their eggs and their easy-going personalities.
For shipped orders, there is a minimum requirement of 3 PER BREED on females. No minimum requirement on males only.
Orders are shipping February 5th through October 29th every Monday and Wednesday (excluding holidays). We will do everything we can to get your chicks scheduled based on your preferred ship month and week, however, there is no guarantee your order will arrive during that time. An email confirmation will be sent as soon as your order is reserved. If you have any date restrictions, please note them in the checkout page. Please read through our Guarantee and Policies for more information.