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Buyers Responsibility

As a buyer of live animals, your responsibility is to be prepared and educated on raising day old poultry before your order arrives. Day old poultry will need an environment with proper heat, bedding, food and water. Buyer agrees to read over our Chick Care Guide and purchase the necessary supplies needed to care for their new chicks. Customer will pick their preferred hatch date and should plan to be available to pick up their order 1-3 days after hatch day from the Post Office or our store and have the necessary time to move chicks to their brooder to be warmed up so they will start eating and drinking.  Because chick sexing is not 100% guaranteed, buyer assumes responsibility of the chance that they may receive a rooster. It is recommended that you give some thought to the possibility of receiving 10% males and what you would need to do under that circumstance.


Heat Plates are NOT to be used on any birds shipped or picked up instore. Only chicks hatched naturally (under a hen) can use this heating option. Chicks shipped or hatched then moved to a brooder for pickup require much more heat initially for the first 2 weeks than a heat plate can provide. The chick does not have the ability to generate enough of its own heat immediately on arrival and sustain its own temperature. About the time of arrival/pickup, the chick is losing it’s (mother nature protection).


Our Healthy Chick Guarantee

We guarantee a full count of live healthy birds. On shipped chicks, extra chicks of same/like breed and gender may be sent with your order to help fulfill this guarantee. In the rare case where a loss occurs in shipment or prior to picking up your instore order, and you do receive fewer live birds than ordered, we will make an adjustment either by replacing poultry, (please keep in mind quantities and availability of breeds may not be available), or by processing a refund of the per bird price, not including shipping and handling. In the case loss does occur, it must be reported within eight hours of receiving the shipment. At no time can Chase Hatchery guarantee exceed original purchase price of poultry.


All live parcels are marked to be held at the Post Office for pickup and must be picked up in a timely manner. Both your billing phone number and your alternate phone number will be printed on your shipment label. The Post Office will call you when the chicks arrive (may be early in the morning). Our guarantee is void for any live parcels not picked up within eight hours of arriving to their local Post Office, or until they close for business. We are unable to make refund or reshipments in these cases.


We cannot issue a refund or replacements for losses after a safe and timely delivery. It should be noted prior to ordering live poultry, there is some risk of loss involved. Our guarantees do not cover survivability. Sometimes things go wrong without any real reason that can be determined even when care instructions are followed. Many customers have great success caring for and raising chicks that follow the guidelines in our Chick Care Guide. There is no guarantee for instore and pickup orders after the poultry leaves the store. We will do everything we can to ensure any chicks picked up look lively and well, however, it is the responsibility of the customer picking up to verify chicks look well before they take them home. We are unable to take back any chicks once they leave our store for any reason.


All Chase Hatchery stock is guaranteed to be of the grade, quality and breed as represented. Should concern ever arise, we commit to making prompt correction. 


Every effort is given to accurately predict a hatch date for your order. In the circumstance a hatch yielded less than anticipated, there is a chance your order may be delayed or shorted. While this is rare, we are working with Mother Nature, and it does occur. In the case of a shorted order, you will be refunded for the poultry price. We strive to provide excellent communication and customer service; we appreciate flexibility as we are working with live animals.


Shipped Orders

We recommend always placing your order early in the season if you prefer to raise your chicks during a specific time. For shipped orders, select your preferred month and week you want your chicks to arrive. Orders will be placed in line for the next available ship date. Consideration will be made based on your preferred ship month and week, however, there is no guarantee your order will arrive during that time. We will send an email confirmation once your order is scheduled.  


Sexing Accuracy Guarantee

We offer a 90% sexing accuracy guarantee on all sexed breeds. Some breeds are easier to sex than others. If an error is made, we will make it right for anything more than the allowed 10%. We will issue a non-expiring store credit for a future order for the female price. Claims must be sent directly to us along with pictures. We do not have any guarantees on percentage of males or females on non-sexed/straight run breeds.


Pick Up Orders

For instore orders, during our summer and fall season, we are accepting pre-orders before the hatch date. When ordering for a future date, select your preferred month and week you want to pick up your chicks. Orders will be placed in line for the next available hatch date. Consideration will be made based on your preferred pickup month and week, however, there is no guarantee your order will be scheduled during that time. We will send an email confirmation once your order is scheduled.  To pick up extras available, we will post extras available on Fridays. Any order placed Friday and Saturday must be picked up that Saturday during our store hours (9:00-1:00). There will be no rescheduling or refunds for orders not picked up.There is no guarantee of mortality or morbidity once the baby poultry leave our store. Be sure to check your box of chicks before you leave. 


How Chicks Are Shipped

Newly hatched chicks have their 3-day supply of yolk still in their system to sustain them for their trip to your home. Chicks are shipped every Monday and Wednesday using USPS and your birds should arrive at your post office within 1-3 days. All poultry will be boxed according to the weather so the poultry will have the best chance of survival. Additional shipping and handling costs may be required for extra boxes and materials during hot weather in order to avoid chicks from getting overheated during shipping. Chicks can be shipped only to the United States and not internationally. We are currently not shipping to Hawaii or Alaska.


Order Minimums on All Chicks

Live-day-old poultry orders require a total of 3 birds to ship or pick up locally. There are no minimums on males, ducks or turkeys.


Standard Chickens (3)

Bantam Chickens (3)

Turkeys (1)

Ducks (1)


Order Changes

We cannot accept partial cancellations on shipped or local pickup orders once their hatch/ship date are scheduled. If a breed or variety needs removed from your order, you must cancel your order and re-order. Cancelling an order and resubmitting does not guarantee the same availability date. Email our customer support team at service@chasehatchery if you'd like to add onto your current order, include the order number.



There will be a $20 fee applied to any cancelled orders scheduled, and a $5 fee for any orders not scheduled. An order is scheduled once you have been contacted and your hatch/ship date is set. For same-day instore orders, your order is scheduled once your order is placed. No orders will be cancelled 14 days prior to hatch day. Any orders placed and then cancelled will have the cancellation fee deduction from the total purchase and shipping price. The difference will be refunded back to the card used if paid with a credit card. The fee is to cover the time and effort lost to resale your order and credit card fees we pay even on cancelled orders. Since live new chicks become perishable the day they hatch, it is necessary to have them all sold well before their hatch date. Our poultry pricing is not formulated for a cancelled order cost. Every effort should be made to be prepared to receive your chicks on your selected hatch date. Refunds are processed ASAP, but on busy rare occasions can take up to 3 weeks to be completed.



Our chicks are sold unvaccinated. You may add Mareks vaccination to any shipped orders. Option available in cart under Order Add Ons. We are unable to vaccinate chicks picked up from our store.



Data errors can occur, website descriptions/prices are not guaranteed to be free of errors. Pricing errors cannot be honored, customer will be asked to pay the difference. All prices are subject to change.


While Chase Hatchery and its employees can provide advice on care, our team cannot provide the sole source of information on veterinary topics. Advice from our team is for general information purposes only and is not intended to be the sole alternative to expert advice on any subject. Talk to your local veterinarian for diagnostic and treatment advice.


NPIP Certification

The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is a voluntary testing and certification program poultry sellers and breeders can obtain. The NPIP provides a State-Federal program that outlines standards for testing poultry breeding stocks of baby chicks, poults, chickens, and hatching eggs and ensures a breeder is meeting the required procedures to identify and eliminate any diseases. Chicks that are shipped past state lines require they be NPIP Certified. Once chicks come into our store, they are not considered NPIP certified, just like at other feed stores.


When we collect your card holder data, such as: name, address, phone number, email address and credit card number with expiration date we do not share this information with any third party.



Farmer with Organic Eggs

© 2025 by Chase Hatchery, LLC

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Local Pickup





325 Pole Canyon Rd - Stansbury Park, UT

February 22 - October 18, 2025​

Customer Service Hours

Monday - Saturday

10:00AM-3:00PM MST

Closed Sunday

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